We grab life by the headphones!
We are a close and diverse team of creatives, producers, sound designers, editors and innovators. We are specialists in our respective areas of radio, podcast, broadcast and music entertainment.
We launched in 2011 with the purpose of creating meaningful and creative entertainment for young-minded audiences.
What makes us stand out?
Our relentless attention to detail, our insanely high production values, our innovative ideas and perspectives, our unrivalled and authentic relationships with artists and talent, our empathetic understanding of music and youth culture, our collective technical expertise and our people, passion and purpose.
The four values that we stand by:
We deliver the highest possible standards across all of our work
We ensure the care and attention our clients receive is second to none
We take an ethical and honest approach to business and employment
We instil diversity, inclusion and equality at the heart of the company and in everything we do
We are signatories to the Equality in Audio Pact and participants in BBC’s 50:50 Equality Project.

Our core weekly output includes six BBC radio shows: Future Dance with Sarah Story (Radio 1), Pete Tong (Radio 1), Annie Nightingale (Radio 1), BBC Radio 1’s Dance Anthems with Charlie Hedges, The Blessed Madonna (6 Music) and Lose Yourself With...(6 Music).
Our podcast slate includes ‘Who We Be Talks_’ and ‘The Max and Harvey Podcast’ for Spotify.
As you will see from our projects page, we always have other exciting programmes in production!
In 2021, Grape marks its 10th year in business. Founder/MD Rachel Barton was asked by Radio Today to share 10 things she has learned over the last decade.
Operate with integrity.
I was tempted to just repeat this 10 times in this list, because this is by far the most important point and the backbone of Grape; creating a positive company culture, providing outstanding client care, producing the best and most meaningful work we can, being generous with our peers and competitors, as well as a myriad of other areas. Operating with integrity is what it's all about.
Find great people and look after them.
Following on from the last point - the Grape team are outstanding and the best at what they do. As individuals, they all have different strengths, but together they work towards the common goal of making brilliant audio and visual programmes which enthrals the audience. I am very proud to work with them.
Be picky in your projects - exclusively create work that you feel passionate about.
In Grape's younger years we took on some projects that were ok but, shall we say, somewhat creatively disappointing. Ever since then, we've only pitched for or taken on projects where we feel we are a great fit, where we have significant expertise and that we are excited and passionate about.
You won't win everything.....and thats ok.
On that note, we haven't won everything we have pitched for. Some of the bigger ones we didn't get have stayed with me, others I have completely forgotten about. But going through the process of each pitch gives us an opportunity to learn more, to improve our own processes, to work as a team and to use our creative flair to come up with great ideas. Even if they don't get commissioned haha!
Have a clear mission statement.
In recent years, we have refined what Grape provides within the marketplace and what areas of expertise we operate in. Now we only make audio and visual programming around music and/or that are aimed at young audiences. This sets us apart from our competitors and gives us a clear sense of purpose.
Bring positive energy.
I am conscious that I am going a bit David Brent here, but I totally believe that being positive, though realistic, is hugely helpful in all areas of life, even through tough times. I'm a problem solver and find that if I approach any issue with positivity, it really helps to get it fixed.
Keep learning and challenging yourself.
I think this is why I love creating content so much - a programme can never be completely perfect, an element can always be improved upon. There are always new stories to tell, new music to champion and new artists to support. And in my role, I can always learn how to be a better leader and a better company owner.
Be agile.
To run a successful business, it is essential to be agile and react quickly to situations. I think it's also important to be open to change and not stuck within the confines of doing things a certain way because that's how they have always been done. Question yourself and your own processes - be your own
Running a business is really hard work - but its ultimately incredibly rewarding.
As the owner of an SME, you do everything - HR to recruitment, finance to creative, PR to new business. This has never been truer since having 2 children in the last 4.5 years. Its completely crazy, but I still absolutely love it.
Have fun!
Because at the end of the day, it is what it's all about - we have a really great job and are incredibly lucky to work in this industry. Bring on the next decade.